Posts Tagged With: Story of signs

How the story ends…

That is the way your Polish colleagues find the end of our common story. Enjoy!

Then, the boy felt very strong and he asked  his  no_people_crossingto fly to the  img_1088 together by  img_1094 . road_for_pedestrianswent to the airport by car and left their car in the  img_1082, and the rest of the way they went on  img_1083. img_1094 got off the ground. In the  img_1094 no_people_crossingfelt hungry, so he asked a stewardess to bring him  imgp6575. When  road_for_pedestriansate their food, the outage of  img_1099 came up in  img_1094 , because they bumped into the snow_slippy_road-storm. The boy was afraid so much, but no_people_crossinggave him a hug. There was a dreadful wind, which caused  img_1092. img_1094 turned upside down and almost crushed into the img_1088. To be saved from  img_1094 crash, all passengers jumped out on parachutes. They landed on the grazing which was full of cowscowscows! Among them there was a huge  vacas, the stock leader, which wanted to protect his cowscows. vacas started to chase passengers, so they broke out very fast and they nestled in img_1085. It turned out that under the  img_1085 there was an underground labyrinth, which lead them up to the treasure! Underground chamber was chock full gold coins, and in the centre of it there was a golden statue of dinosauriowith diamond eyes. Suddenly, when  road_for_pedestrianswanted to take the statue of dinosaurio a terrible earthquake  started, so they escaped only with gold coins.
They all went back homes on  img_1083 and everyone bought a set of vehicles:  img_1094, train and  road_for_bikes, for that to travel a world safely.


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Pictures for the story of signs – part 3

There is a set of pictures received from Icelandic friends.

So now it`s our turn to finish the Story of signs.
Be prepared for surprising final!

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Next part of the story

But then…

But then when they came back home a ciervoscame by the house. The no_people_crossingcalled the hospital_ but since no car hornswas not allowed the doctor did not answer imagesCABAVKNT, since they could awaken the sick people.

Theciervos went into the house but a dinosaurio came trying to catch the ciervos . This was a kind dinosaurio so  road_for_pedestrianstook it to the zoo. There it started imagescaoj3288 and everyone got wet so road_for_pedestrianswent back to their house. The dinosaurioon the other hand tried to bite a dog named Lobba (Dagny´s dog). While trying to do so the dinosauriobroke a sign saying imagescacdrvzcwhich was surrounding the dinosaurio´s house and the dinosaurio was out on the street again. Meanwhile the no_people_crossingwas p1020015the boy some milk which the no_people_crossing had gotten from a vacas . When the boy was done drinking the milk he put the glas in the imagescawfbtll .


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InTerNationaL StoRy – Spanish version (beginning)

This is how we started to create the ‘International Story’ using the signs that our friends from Poland sent to us. English version will come out once our friends from Iceland go on with it and then the ones from Poland finish it! Enjoy!

Érase una vez un niño  que se montó en un train cuando de repente empezó a snow_slippy_road. Entonces el train no pudo arrancar porque cayó muchasnow_slippy_road y el niño se quedó

Entonces vio una chatarrería donde había unaroad_for_bikes que estaba como nueva, así que pidió la road_for_bikes al dueño de la

chatarrería para volver a casa. Cuando llegó con la road_for_bikes le contó a su no_people_crossing lo que le había pasado y entonces su no_people_crossing llamó a los bomberos para que fuesen a sacar el train de la snow_slippy_road.
El no_people_crossing fue en road_for_bikes a esperar en el train a que vinieran los bomberos. El niño salió a jugar con la snow_slippy_road y no vio que venía de lejos un cows que atropelló al niño. El no_people_crossing que lo vio todo, llamó al hospital_. road_for_pedestrians fueron al hospital. En la entrada había una señal: no car horns, pidiendo silencio para no molestar a los pacientes. De repente, al no_people_crossing le sonó el móvil, así que les echaron por ruidosos. Cuando salían del hospital tuvieron que correr porque se encontraron con un cows. El cows se quedó atascado en la snow_slippy_road. road_for_pedestrians se rieron un montón, buscaron la road_for_bikes que estaba al lado del train y se fueron a casa. Entonces…

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Pictures for the story of signs – part 1

What an exceptional task we planned to manage together!

Polish children prepared the set of eight signs to let Spanish friends start “Signs story”.

We hope you will create beautiful beginning with those:

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